Tamás Deutsch, head of the European Parliament delegation of Fidesz, criticized the EU institutions' political pressure based on false accusations in the Magyar Hírlap Faktum program.

By abusing its power, Brussels wants to impose its will on the member states, primarily on the Poles and Hungarians , but more and more Central European countries are coming into the crosshairs, he warned.

Tamás Deutsch added the following to the conversation on his Facebook page:

"The Márki-Zays serve the interests of Brussels in everything against the Hungarian national interest! The representatives of the Hungarian left are scrambling against their own country in every European forum with all their energy. Based on lies, they denounce their country and spread slander about Hungary.

The Márki-Zays apparently think that the worse it is for the country, the better it is for them. Therefore, they will do everything to ensure that Hungary has difficulties, so that they can then set up these difficulties as if they were difficulties caused by the Government, and in the midst of these difficulties they will try to increase their weak support.

In every single situation where it would be important to stand up for the Hungarian people, neither in Brussels nor at home can you count on the Hungarian left. They are always on the side of those who abuse their power and attack Hungary."

(Cover photo: MH/Tamás Purger)

The full conversation can be heard below.