The water pressure pipe reconstruction continues south of the Lánchíd, traffic on the lower wharf in Pest is changing due to the works.

The Budapest Transport Center (BKK) highlighted in a statement sent to MTI: the replacement of one of the capital's worst-performing main pressure pipes will continue in parallel with the renovation of the downtown section of the Danube bank in Pest. The works involve significant disruptions, which is why traffic cannot be maintained in both directions on the Jane Haining wharf section of the lower wharf in Pest. In the northern direction, from the Elizabeth Bridge to the Chain Bridge, you can continue on the Jane Haining wharf. In the opposite direction, you can use Apáczai Csere János Street. "The two road sections together ensure the network role of the lower wharf in Pest, thanks to which the traffic effects of the works can be reduced," they pointed out.

Due to the closure, the route of BKK flights in the area will also change from Saturday dawn.

Buses 105 and 178 to the Gyöngyösi utca terminus run on the same route as on weekdays, on the Jane Haining wharf, so that instead of Erzsébet tér, they stop at Eötvös tér and József palátin tér in József Attila utca. yes. The replacement of the water pressure pipes is carried out in coordination with other investments. The renovation is expected to last until August 2022, BKK announced.

2022plus: The reconstruction and renovation of the pipe network are important, but BKK's optimism is ridiculous. The capital has been impassable until now, the closure of the wharf makes Budapest's traffic situation even more critical. We can accurately predict this even without special divination. Which, of course, traffic specialists - if they are really specialists - know very well, but of course it is mandatory to cover the bitter pill with icing.

The fact remains: if the Karácsonys had managed the current renovations and reconstructions with appropriate planning and scheduling, we would not have survived without interruptions, but the current chaos could have been significantly reduced. But not with false optimism!!!

(Source and title image: MTI/Zoltán Máthé)