According to the internal EU documentation first published by the Italian daily Il Giornale, the European Commission is drafting new communication guidelines, which, among other things, prohibit the use of the term Christmas and traditional European Christian names, which Giorgia Meloni called "a fever dream of political correctness" in the president of the right-wing Italian Brothers.

Antonio Tajani center right Go Italy! (FI), the former president of the European Parliament and the current president of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, announced on Monday that he is waiting for an answer from the European Commission in an interpellation to the question whether the new Brussels directives respect freedom of thought and expression.

"Taking into account the principle of inclusion, how do you intend to respect the sensitivities of the majority of European Commission employees? Perhaps these directives should be amended to respect the Christian roots of the European Union"

- read Antonio Tajani's announcement.

In Il Giornalé, Francesco Giubilei, president of the Nazione Futura (Future Nation) conservative movement and former guest lecturer at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest, was the first to write about the document marked with the name of Helena Dalli, the Commissioner for Equality. According to the article, the European Commission's new directives aim to strengthen inclusion in internal and external communication. Giubilei recalled that the goal of the document is for everyone to receive similar recognition and respect, regardless of gender, origin, age, religion, belief, or sexual orientation, with particular attention to members of the LGBTQ community.

No Mr. and Mrs.

The Italian daily knows that according to the new guidelines, among other things, the addresses Mr and Mrs should not be used in English, unless the people involved agree to this, it is forbidden to give preference to the grammatical masculine gender in the use of words, and it is not possible to organize meetings where only people of the same sex participants are present, instead of gentlemen and ladies, the term dear colleagues is prescribed. It is also forbidden to show men only in active roles and women in passive roles, it recommends the use of the term humanity instead of people, and also forbids the term "colonization of the planet Mars".

The new guidelines require the use of winter break instead of the Christmas period, and suggest Malika instead of Mária when names are mentioned. Matteo Salvini asked on the social page of the president of the League what the vision of the European Commission is

"does it just seem crazy to me?".

Giorgia Meloni also called it a "fever dream of political correctness" on her social media page that "Christmas is banned in Europe, and even calling someone Mary".

"Political correctness spares nothing and no one (..) Mária and János are also targets, why? because they might prove offensive to non-Christians? In the name of a blind ideology, they want to erase the culture of a people. Our history and identity cannot be erased, they must be respected"

Giorgia Meloni noted on her social media page.