We, the Hungarians abroad, experience our Hungarianness in a different way than the Hungarians in our homeland. Reasoning is more rational, more sober, because it is disinterested, it is not infected with bickering between parties, striving for power, it is not so "brainwashed", not so over-politicized.

We are free from the typical Hungarian "rank disease". It doesn't really concern me which party usurps power, or who/whom does the government serve? Rather, it's just how the current Hungarian government relates to us, how bravely and effectively it stands up for our interests. Hungarians living abroad are forcibly employed by the occupying governments, parties, and powers to a greater extent, since our present and future depend primarily on them.

Quite a few influential high-ranking politicians of the states under occupation are increasingly expressing their anti-Hungarian attitude. Aggressive threatening attacks by extremist Nazi organizations, which we are unable to defend ourselves, do not stop with the tacit consent of the government. Therefore, staying at home and preserving our land is impossible without the moral, financial and political support of the institutions and government of the mother country. So, for us, it is vitally important which party and which government is in power in the motherland. After the regime change, József Antall undertook to be the president of the 15 million Hungarians. After that, ONLY Viktor Orbán bravely undertook this indispensable role for the survival of Hungarians.

It goes without saying that Hungarians living abroad are most interested in our country being governed by a national government. People who are able to put the interests of the nation before their personal interests. So, in spite of everything, ALL HUNGARIANS abroad have not only an important interest, but also a duty to participate in the elections.

Fat George

(Ungvár – Záhony)