Physicist, writer, essayist Horia-Roman Patapievici received the Petőfi Award, jointly founded by the Central and Eastern European History and Society Research Public Foundation and Mol Nyrt., at the House of Terror Museum on Thursday.

Katalin Novák, minister without portfolio responsible for families - whose thoughts were read by Gábor Tallai, program director of the House of Terror Museum - emphasized in her letter: people must be reminded again and again of the value of freedom, even if the constitutional conditions for it are given and apparently nothing threatens it . The best reminders of this are those who bravely fought for freedom when there was no freedom, he wrote.

Praising the recipient, Gábor Tallai mentioned that Horia-Roman Patapievici was taken off the street and arrested during the Romanian revolution of December 1989.

Historian Mária Schmidt, the XXI. The Director General of Szazad Intézet spoke about the fact that the Petőfi Prize was founded for those heroes who stood up to foreign power and "kept the ability to think freely with impressive courage".

Source: MTI