Opponents of vaccination are swimming in the deep swamp of social media, the jihad against Covid vaccines has shifted to a higher gear. Here we are. And the battle noise doesn't seem to subside, it's too loud and too close.

There are no more arguments, no dialogue, no one says "listen, we have different opinions, but how are you anyway?". There is only jihad. Anyone who dares to point out that there may still be a connection between anti-vaccination movements and the number of unvaccinated people, and those who died as a result of Covid infection, most of them unvaccinated, is a "hypocrite, stupid, idiot, frustrated, mad, understandable if beaten", elsewhere "corpse robber , terminal creature, intestinal worm".

Source: mok

Source: MOC

No one cares whether the vaccine is Chinese, Russian, German or American, whether it is traditional, vector or mRNA, only genetic manipulation, transhumans and modified DNA matter. Because THAT vaccine manipulates your genes and your DNA, turns you into a transhuman - whatever that means - and you will surely die from it in a hundred years. Well then, so be it; although anyone who believes that any Covid vaccine modifies their DNA should rather see this as a possibility, but fine for my part, I can see that any argument against the obsession is useless.

Of course, I also realize that with a degree in history and editing, a language exam, three books in different genres, a scientific publication, countless interviews, reports and journalism behind me, I would easily pass a high school chemistry exam, so I can read even a thousand pages of medical texts, I either won't understand it, or I misunderstood it. But we are not the same. There are those who don't need specialist knowledge, they don't even need to understand research methodology and source analysis, the confident "knowledge" acquired on Facebook is enough. (We wrote more about the Dunning-Kruger effect HERE .)

And from here it is only one step to get to the point where "in the end, the fool is the one who - taking into account the fact that human knowledge is finite and what a person does cannot be perfect - inoculates himself". Social media is radicalizing, that's a fact, but the platform also requires people - it's easy to get Kati to dance. Nowadays, there is more of Kati than there is demand for.

Nowadays, a cheap cliché has become the bane of butter lovers: whoever seeks, finds. Because those who seek really find, but it doesn't matter what, nor why. Everything happens the other way around with Vájakos, the judgment is made first, and the research is adjusted accordingly; just like in concept lawsuits. The vájakos knows what he is collecting material for, what he wants to find, and he adapts his research methodology to his intentions. This is how those dilettantish ramblings of ideas, both logically and content-incoherent, are born, which at the end of the selective collection only use such lies, less often half-truths, that fit the concept.

But that wouldn't be a problem either, as far as I'm concerned, I'm no longer excited about who and why risks their own lives; her body, her decision. If you want to play Russian Roulette with five balls, go for it, I'm sure you won't be upset if your luck runs out.

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

However, a pictogram is spreading on social media, especially in the sharing of those who oppose vaccination, which at first glance speaks of compromise and acceptance. About not allowing ourselves to be divided, since whether vaccinated or not, we still belong to the same community, so let's shake hands in a sign of love; the vaccinated will finally shut up, but this has already been discussed above.

So, we belong to the same community, and that is certainly true, but how is it? Consequently, our health care system is also the same, and this is the only aspect that makes a citizen who accepts vaccinations, including me, interested in the status of those who do not accept vaccinations. The moment when the health care system, burdened by the unvaccinated, collapses, it will not look like the hospitals are closing, but rather that the ambulance will not arrive in 15 minutes for a heart attack or a stroke, but only in 60 minutes, the operations and due to the lack of anesthesiologists who are stuck in the Covid wards, it is performed under local anesthesia or postponed. However, this state cannot be maintained in the long term.

For the time being, however, we are still at the point where our doctors labeled as "fat-faced, discredited, self-sold" them when necessary, the ostrich-like buttermen, and they also use our common care system, which is exponentially more expensive than vaccines and which eviscerates our human resources to the extreme. At the expense of others.

So, I understand that a handshake would be nice, but until there is a fair answer to this question, I'm afraid we can't slap each other's palms with a sincere smile.