Mutual political support, Hungarian-American relations and migration were also discussed at the meeting between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and former US President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister's press chief, informed MTI.

During the telephone conversation, Donald Trump congratulated the outstanding achievements of the Hungarian economy and explained that he is supporting Viktor Orbán in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The president of Fidesz thanked Trump for his political support and assured him that Hungary will continue to be a good ally of the United States of America.
Viktor Orbán congratulated the former US president on his campaign event in Arizona, where Donald Trump spoke about "taking back the White House in 2024".

Bertalan Havasi said: during the telephone conversation, the Hungarian Prime Minister and the former president reviewed the migration crisis affecting both Hungary and the United States, stating that illegal immigration must be curbed in order to protect our nations.

Source: MTI Opening image: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd