Péter Márki-Zay's new idea would send us straight back to the Middle Ages, when mothers and babies who died as a result of complications during childbirth were seen as a simple collateral loss.

You don't need a doctor to give birth, according to Péter Márki-Zay, who recently said on a forum that the presence of a midwife is sufficient when babies are born.

The left-wing candidate - after the girls mixing mojitos in grass skirts, eye surgeries in India, and setting an example with paid health care - shared new thoughts about his health plans. While he previously said that he would abolish obstetrics and emergency departments in rural areas, he has now said that there is no need for a doctor either - Origo reported .

Péter Márki-Zay encouraged a life-threatening practice in his campaign a few weeks ago. At the forum held in Kiszombor last December, the candidate of the left stated that childbirth does not require a doctor, as it is "not an illness".

"For (birth), for example, like many other interventions, you don't even need a doctor. That a normal midwife, if a holistic midwife is properly prepared, can conduct a birth perfectly safely"

- He told. The candidate with a background in marketing does not have any health education, he tried to create the appearance of his expertise in the subject by referring to his wife.

"Obstetrics is a special sector, my wife worked in it for a long time, so I have a lot of insight, and I myself was there at the birth of seven children"

said the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely. According to experts, giving birth without a doctor is very risky, many unforeseen complications can arise that a midwife or doula cannot handle, especially because, in addition to the appropriate expertise, the necessary hospital instruments are not available.

Péter Márki-Zay's statements can be found in the YouTube video at the following time: 1:34:40

Here, Márki-Zay is talking about the fact that hospital maternity wards do not need a doctor. The candidate of the Gyurcsánys has already said that he would, among other things, abolish maternity and emergency care in rural towns.

Now, however, he specifically spoke about the creation of departments without doctors, which he called desirable.

In his hard-to-follow train of thought, Márki-Zay said, among other things:

"And what is the reason for not having a maternity ward in the Mako hospital. I don't see that. So I would like to say that there are certain simple things, outpatient care is a must. But even emergency things, and to be honest, obstetrics is kind of an emergency thing, because when you have to give birth, you have to give birth, and traumatology is like that”

Márki-Zay outlined his idea.

It was also difficult to interpret his advice that Hungarian patients waiting for eye surgery should go to India, because according to him, the doctors there handle the scalpel more skillfully when operating on certain macular lesions of the visual organ.

Even earlier, he said, African examples prove that paid healthcare is better than free healthcare.


Featured image: hellogiggles.com