In a ten-minute video, Ferenc Gyurcsány, the leader of the left-wing coalition, explains his relationship with the Russian president.

His Putin was a good Putin, Orban's was a bad one. Apparently Orbán made it so! Yes, there was a "small war" in Georgia that year, well, such things happen, but while Gyurcsány was in power, the Russian bear ate from the palm of his hand. Orbán drove him wild! So vote for me - says Gyurcsány! After all, only I am the best bear tamer! - suggests the balf... them.

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány and the left have been campaigning with the claim that Ukraine was attacked by "Orbán's friend". Memorable: we are talking about Vladimir Putin, who was a guest of the then prime minister at Gyurcsány's own apartment, and even posed with Gyurcsány's dog.

It is probably for this reason that the DK president published the video on his social media page, in which he explains for ten minutes about his relationship with the Russian president, along the main guiding principle that

this Putin is no longer that Putin”.

According to Gyurcsány, Putin was pro-Western under his prime ministership, but a tyrant under Orbán's prime ministership.

How successful Gyurcsány's explanation was, we leave it up to our readers. The source article and the film can be viewed here!


Featured image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák