It's always exciting to see the world from an outsider's perspective. In his Facebook post, Balázs Orbán drew attention to the presentation of a book whose author tries to understand the changes in his own country, the United States, based on the opinions of dissidents.

"What makes the book special is that the American journalist tries to understand all the social changes that took place in the New World in the wake of modern liberalism from interviews with Central and Eastern European dissidents, typically Christian intellectuals. Not by chance: after all, who could understand better when a utopia is in the making, and who could sound the alarm with reason that utopias always lead to dictatorships, than those who fled communism to the West?

At the time of the publication of the original version of the book in 2020, Dreher still saw that although Christians could speak the truth about utopia according to their creed, they could only defend against it if they retreated into their own communities. His opinion has changed enormously since then, thanks in no small part to his research in Hungary. Today, he also believes that a policy with Christian values ​​is needed in contrast to the liberal utopia. Hungary is a good example of the success of such a policy," writes Balázs Orbán in his recommendation.

Source and title image: Facebook