I'm listening to this guy named Guy Verhostadt and a movie scene keeps popping up.

The show was good these days in Strasbourg, where the crème de la crème of the European Parliament performed at the Conference on the Future of Europe event. According to the press release of the event, the Parliament intends to initiate EU reforms.

Now 325 proposals have been adopted to achieve the 49 objectives defined in 9 themes, based on 178 recommendations from European citizens' panels, contributions from national panels and events, and 43,734 comments on 16,274 ideas recorded on a multilingual digital platform."

- reads the document.
The suggestions include great ideas such as
the elimination of national veto rights, the elimination of the need for unanimity on some sensitive issues, and the creation of a joint military.
The globalist co-chairman of the conference, Guy Verhofstadt ( hereinafter: Palpatine of Brussels ), former Belgian Prime Minister and member of the European Parliament, said that the European Parliament will discuss the measures this week, hoping to enact them into law "as soon as possible"
Guy Verhofstadt

Guy Verhofstadt. MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet

There is no time to waste. The world of tomorrow will be a world of empires.”

- he said in his speech , adding: "this is a world of dangers, we saw this in Ukraine, and in this world we have to protect ourselves, we have to organize ourselves to protect the interests of our citizens, so we have to reform the Union" .

Brussels ' Palpatine said the reforms were "necessary for our survival" and warned that otherwise Europe would "disappear" and be "ruled by autocrats instead of our liberal democracy" .

After listening to his speech and seeing how nicely the MEPs can applaud themselves, a film clip immediately jumped out at me.

In Revenge of the Sith, after exterminating the Jedi, Palpatine marched into the Senate, where he announced:

In order to consolidate the peace and security of the galaxy, we are putting our union on a new foundation. Name as of today: First Galactic Empire! A realm of order and security.”
We saw the same thing now, only in a small way for now.

But seriously, damn it, I can stand those who at least consistently stick to their own fever dreams. Because consistency is not common on that side. Verhofstadt already explained similar ugliness in a 2019 speech. Moreover, he used practically the same words:

The world order of the future is not a world order based on nation states or countries. A world order based on empires. (…) The world of the future will be a world of empires, in which we Europeans and you Brits can only protect your interests and ways of life if you do it together in a European framework, in the European Union.”

Now that I've outed myself, let's return for a moment to the aforementioned event. Fortunately, there are still sane voices who are not too keen on the idea.

Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers to "communist China or Cuba" , argued that the "civilian panels" did not represent the population of the entire bloc. According to him, those seeking to further expand the power of the European Union carefully assembled the panels, despite concerns about Brexit and the erosion of national sovereignty.

"European federalists only want to speak to their dwindling cheering crowd, seemingly blissfully unaware of the growing anger that they are disconnected from and disrespected by ordinary citizens."

Weimers wrote the Brussels Times Friday .

According to Gunnar Beck , MEP Alternative for Germany (AfD), many of his proposals related to taxation, defense and migration pose a serious threat to the sovereignty of individual EU member states, and could even have devastating consequences if even just a few of the proposed measures come into force. step

Once these [powers] are transferred [to Brussels], you are no longer a separate state, but a province of something bigger.”

he said to Breitbart .

Author: Filipp Dávid
Source: 888.hu
Opening image: 888.hu