By sparing Poland, the Commission acknowledges Poland's assistance to Ukraine.

Poland also provides significant financial and military support to Ukraine, but the Orbán government, which is known to be pro-Russian, is "restraining itself", the German newspaper reports.

"Why the EU punishes Hungary and why it spares Poland" published on Die Welt, the new conflict between the Commission and Budapest could be a good opportunity for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to torpedo the planned sanctions against Russia.

It is also noteworthy that the Commission only takes action against Hungary, but not against Poland. According to the author, with this the Commission separates the two countries from the point of view of the rule of law.

By sparing Poland, the Commission acknowledges Poland's assistance to Ukraine

- said legal scholar Jakub Jaraczewski, program coordinator of the NGO Democracy Reporting International.

Poland has taken in nearly 3.5 million refugees. The country also provides significant financial and military support to Ukraine. However, the Orbán government, which is known to be pro-Russian, is "holding back" . By activating the mechanism against Hungary, the Commission is now changing the dynamics of the EU. The war in Ukraine seems to be bringing Warsaw closer to Brussels and further isolating Budapest.

Source: Mandarin

(Photo: Polish President Andrzej Duda receives President Katalin Novák at the presidential residence in Warsaw, Belvedere Palace on May 17, 2022. MTI/Noémi Bruzák)