The introduction of a visiting fee would be more acceptable for former Secretary of State Gyurcsány. According to him, it is not possible to distinguish between European citizens, but it is not about that, but about two types of gasoline prices. He declares that criticizing EU sanctions is morally unacceptable. You can do it easily because you are not responsible for the state budget. He says he's pro-market.

We are happy that you can refuel in Burgenland.

On April 3, the Hungarian government received a mandate to help people's lives with a sensible economic policy and to use taxpayers' money for the benefit of the Hungarian population. Those who drive abroad often pay twice the price of gasoline there, thus enriching the budget revenues of the given state.

It was not by chance that the Hungarian voters entrusted the country to the government of FIDESZ-KDNP, the decision to curtail "petrol tourism" from abroad can be clearly supported.

According to Gábor Horn's muscular globalist approach, it's better to be a "little gyurcsány" than to side with a caring government. According to both of them, DK's Dávid's statements, which resonate with Ferenc, mean the same thing, Brussels above all.

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