Why are we not surprised? Maybe because it's about everyday nothingness, i.e. the fact that Klára Dobrev lies without batting an eye. And badly too.

A good lie (of course, only if there is such a thing as a "good lie") is something that is difficult to refute. But Mrs. Gyurcsány is foolishly lying when she states that poverty in Hungary increased under bourgeois governments. The problem with this lie is that surveys prove the opposite. Moreover, not the data of one of the institutions of the "Orbán dictatorship", but the Eurostat report. According to which, in our country, not only those exposed to the risk of poverty, but also the number of people living in extreme poverty has significantly decreased.

In his Facebook post, State Secretary Bence Rétvári

" Klára Dobrev refers to Eurostat and claims that "Hungarians have become one of the poorest peoples in Europe". Klára Dobrev is refuted by Eurostat itself on several levels. According to Eurostat data, the number of people at risk of poverty has decreased from 29.9% to 17.8% since 2010. And the number of people living in extreme poverty decreased from 4% to 1%. So poverty did not increase under the Orbán governments, but decreased. In addition, based on Eurostat data, the largest improvement was in Hungary, and with this we left all countries behind us.

And this did not happen by chance, but thanks to government measures. Such was the reduction in utilities, the radical increase in the minimum wage, family subsidies, tax cuts, and the creation of 1 million new jobs. All of these have reduced poverty. And all of these measures were opposed by the Hungarian left, they never voted for them.

during the administration of Klára Dobrev's husband, Ferenc Gyurcsány At that time, unemployment climbed to a record high of 12%, and the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion reached 3 million. This did not happen by accident, but as a result of the withdrawal of one month's salary and pension, mass layoffs and tax increases, as well as record high unemployment. This would be the successful economic policy that Klára Dobrev now refers to as an example. The left is only fighting poverty in words, their government actions are actually increasing poverty.

And it is especially outrageous that Klára Dobrev demands in Brussels that the EU funds due to us are not paid to Hungary. However, these resources mostly help the disadvantaged groups and parts of the country to rise. In Brussels, he curbs social resources, and at home he demands the improvement of the social situation. Two-tone, like the entire left side.

It is therefore in vain to try to refer to Eurostat to Klá Dobrev that poverty increased during the right-wing governments, since this is actually true of their own governance. Old leftist method: accuse your opponent of what you do yourself. So much for the social sensitivity coming from Apró-villa."

Source: Facebook

(Cover image: Pestisracok.hu)