Főtér.ro wrote that Ludovic Orban would have tied up with Viktor Orbán in his Adriatic holiday . As is known, the Hungarian Prime Minister has been a hot topic in Romania since his speech in Tusványos.

On his community page, Orban - who, as prime minister, boasted that in Brussels he was called the "good Orban" and the Hungarian Prime Minister the bad one - explained that "in July, the great patriot Viktor Orbán urged the Hungarians to choose Lake Balaton and cancel about vacationing on the Adriatic Sea, on the Croatian coast.

In August, he almost sank with his boat. Not on Lake Balaton, but on the Adriatic. Without comment…"

In principle, Orbán is right anyway, Orbán really stated that the Hungarians should choose Lake Balaton. He was only two years wrong, because Viktor Orbán really said in July that there would be more Lake Balaton, less Adriatic - but not in July 2022, but in 2020...

As is known, the coronavirus epidemic was still raging at the time, but there was no vaccine, so the Hungarian prime minister urged everyone to spend their holidays at home in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

Source: Mandiner.hu/Foter.ro

Image: Foter.ro