A few days ago, we reported ( also on our portal - the editor ) a news about the removal of Bibles from the shelves of the school libraries of an American education district. Now the Swiss Weltwoche c. according to a weekly report, the court imposed a fine on a 63-year-old Christian teacher who, as an opponent of this year's LGBTQ march in Zurich, loudly quoted passages from the Bible labeling homosexuality as a sin. The police took the brave preacher of the gospel away from the scene due to the expected violent reaction. The district court in Zurich sentenced the man to pay 15,200 Swiss francs (approximately the same amount of euros), a suspended sentence and court costs.

Zürich is known for its left-liberal city government, which has repeatedly caused problems in the case of Elét. According to the signs, the justice system is also on this side, at least the hair-raising reasoning of the judge shows this. He formally claimed that the accused had violated the criminal law norms of racism , namely the prohibition of discrimination. The judge rejected the man's defense that he only quoted from the Holy Scriptures with the following words: "The views represented by the accused are not timely in Central Europe in 2022" . "Timeliness", i.e. compliance with the zeitgeist, has thus become the (extralegal) standard for criminal sentences.

In an interesting way, the extension of the prohibition of discrimination to sexual orientation in Switzerland took place in the 2020 referendum, i.e. by means of direct democracy, with which people in Switzerland prefer to preserve conservatism even in social policy matters. Thus, most of the comments on the Weltwoche internet forum refer to the left-liberal social transformation attempt currently underway in Germany, and state with indignation or even shock that Switzerland is increasingly falling into the tailwaters of "political correctness". According to a commenter named Maria, the teacher was wrong, but this judgment is shameful. Another commenter adds that anything that limits freedom of expression is a sign that the country is moving towards totalitarianism , since it is no coincidence that the founding fathers of the United States enshrined this freedom in the First Amendment to the Constitution. And one commentator also thinks he knows who will not support the convicted teacher: the church.

Source: Kath.net

Translated by József Frick

(Cover image: vasarnap.hu)