NASA wants to return to the moon again and the United States strives to put the first woman and the first astronaut of color on the surface of the moon .

Strange news! Of course, it is gratifying that astronauts are stepping on the moon again fifty years later on behalf of humanity, but it is surprising that NASA's main considerations are to export the achievements of positive discrimination to the moon.

I have no problem with equality, racial (is that right?) and gender emancipation neither on Earth nor in the sky, but maybe there are no more important, let's say scientific aspects of the space center? Or do they want to investigate whether people of color and women react differently to lunar conditions than white (yellow, Eskimo, etc.) men? But then it is also worth investigating how the transgenders, the Pride minority, the boys and girls who underwent surgery, the heroes of our time, feel on the moon. (anti-ed)

It seems that LGBTQ and Woke activists have also successfully involved NASA in their programs. You can compete whether women or men, trans, gays or lesbians will flood our eternal heavenly companion.

PC ( Political correctness ) is therefore also present on the moon, and it is so big that it can be seen from Earth!

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