In the difficult political and economic situation, the most important thing is to preserve the national political achievements of the past twelve years, the State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office responsible for national policy told MTI on Saturday.

János Árpád Potápi, who participated in the XVI. At the Kufstein conference, he added: it is necessary to preserve the results in order to further strengthen the identity of the Hungarian communities and for everyone to prosper in their homeland. He said that the economic difficulties are due to the Ukrainian-Russian war and the European responses to it, the sanctions.

This affects everyone, us Hungarians even more, because part of the nation lives in Transcarpathia, he said. He added: Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, where we live in large numbers, border Ukraine, and the recession affects the whole of Europe.

We have to find the answer to how we can stay on our feet in this situation and get hurt the least, he noted. He also mentioned that since the system change

the Kufstein conference is one of the most important national political meetings outside our borders;

the event was attended by the representatives of the major Hungarian organizations in the Carpathian Basin, Kelemen Hunor, president of the Hungarian Democratic Association of Romania, István Pásztor, of the Vojvodina Hungarian Association, Róbert Jankovics, of the Democratic Association of Hungarians in Croatia, Krisztián Forró, president of the Slovak Association, as well as Transcarpathians, teachers from Transylvania, the Highlands, Croatia, the Southern Region and representatives of the organizations of the Western European diaspora. Károly Páncél, the chairman of the National Cohesion Committee, was also present.

The Kufstein conference - the name of which refers to the first location of the event, (although for us Hungarians Kufstein is mostly the location of the prison of our greats: Kazinczy, Wesselényi, Teleki Blanka, etc. - ed. -) is held every two years in Austria; This year, for the 16th time, the event is organized by the Central Association of Hungarian Associations and Organizations in Austria and the Central Burgenland Hungarian Cultural Association between September 23 and 25 in the town of őrvidék.


Featured image: MTI