Voters can go to the polls in two opposition strongholds, the 3rd electoral district of Miskolc and Újpest.

Interim municipal elections are being held today in eight municipalities: mayors and municipal representatives in Derecské and Kisasszond, mayors in Zagyvarékas, Örménykút and Nemesnép,

Szarvasken, Miskolc and Budapest IV. municipal representatives are elected in their district.

In Derecské, Hajdú-Bihar County, the representative body announced its dissolution, so the 6,781 local residents entitled to vote must elect a mayor and eight representatives. Five people are running for the post of mayor: three as independents, one as a candidate of the Hungarian Labor Party, and one as a candidate of the Momentum Movement. 25 candidates are applying for the eight representative seats.

In Kisasszond, Somogy county, a by-election must also be held due to the dissolution of the representative body. Three candidates are running for the post of mayor, and ten candidates for the four representative seats, all of them as independents. There are 141 voters in the register of the village near Kaposvár. In Zagyvarékas, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, a new mayor must be elected due to the resignation of the former head of the settlement. Only one candidate is running in the election, as an independent. There are 2,867 people in the voter register.

There will be a by-election in Örménykút in Békés county due to the death of the former mayor.

Four independent candidates are running in the voting, the village near Szarvas has 277 voters in its register.

A by-election must be held in Nemesnép in Zala county because there was a tie between the mayoral candidates in the June by-election. The same two independent candidates who ran in June will run in the election. There are 118 people in the voter register. Municipal representatives are elected in Szarvaskenden, Vas county, because three members of the representative body resigned. Three people nominated themselves for the three representative seats, all of them independent.

There are 195 people in the voter register.

In the 3rd individual electoral district of Miskolc, a municipal representative is also elected, because the previous representative resigned from his mandate. Three candidates are running in the by-election, the number of eligible voters is 6,159. In Budapest, the IV. in the 12th individual electoral district, a vote must also be held due to the resignation of the previous representative. Four candidates are running in the election, there are 5,308 people on the list.

You can vote from six in the morning to seven in the evening. The Roma ethnic voters of Szemere in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County and Rétközberencs in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County would have elected representatives of local ethnic local governments today, but the elections will not be held due to the lack of the required number of candidates.

Source: Mandiner/MTI

Featured image: Wikipedia/illustration