The goal of the gender movement is to destroy the fabric of society by creating individual people who can be easily governed and transformed into perfect consumers - stated the German writer and journalist Birgit Kelle Is it normal? Then let's gender it! at the Sunday Budapest presentation of his book.

In the book published by the Center for Fundamental Rights, the author writes that gender propaganda is a problem and not a solution.

He put it this way: "if we crush the natural woman and the natural man," we crush the family. And with this, we crush the social network of people, which is the cohesive force of society. And if we cut off the individual from all human relationships, we cut off from history and the past as well.

The author said that he wanted to write his book in a language that could be understood by ordinary people. Because

part of the strategy of the gender movement is that the average person cannot understand the ideology, because what he does not understand, he cannot fight against

he noted.

She pointed out that she wants to expose that gender ideology is not about women's rights and gender equality, but about the destruction of the female category and the violation of women's rights. For example, it is already happening in Western Europe that transgender women who were born male are violent with women in women's prisons, he said.

The social role of women is also targeted by the fact that biological men declare themselves to be women and compete with "biological women" in the role of women, he added. According to him, the biggest problem is that the gender movement is now trying to change society by destroying the identity of children, and trans movements are the most active in this.

Birgit Kelle believes that Hungary is in a fortunate position because it can learn from the faulty Western European practice and no longer have to make the same mistakes.

István Kovács, the strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, reminded that since its establishment in 2013, the center has been trying to draw attention to the dangers and wild drives of gender ideology. All the more, he said, because the gender movement tries to implement its program from kindergarten to university.

He emphasized that

this was the reaction of the child protection law adopted by the Parliament and which "caused the incredible fury of Brussels", which is about nothing else than the protection of children.

Eszter Párkányi, the center's analyst, said: the situation has reached the point where people who stand for the fact of creation, those who say that there are only two genders, are dragged away. Furthermore, a significant part of the educational institutions in the West "have now become gender re-education camps", he said.

He added that if a left-liberal government were to come to power in Hungary, it would do everything to raise gender ideology to the level of law. " The rise of the aggressive gender movement is such that the next step may be that pedophilia will also become accepted, " said Eszter Tárkáni. The 300-page volume can be purchased at the Fundamental Rights Center and is also available in bookstores.


Cover photo: István Kovács, strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights Birgit Kelle, German journalist of Transylvanian Saxon origin, writer "Is it still normal? Then we'll gender it!" at the presentation of his book in Budapest (Photo: MTI/Anikó Kovács)