Hungary negotiated hard and managed to ensure that the oil price cap does not apply to pipeline crude oil transport, and in the event of an emergency, to sea transport that replaces it, and that nuclear energy is also exempted from the sanctions, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his Facebook page on Tuesday evening, after the end of meeting of the Council of Permanent Representatives in Brussels.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, sanctions were again on the agenda at the meeting.

As we have said many times, the Hungarian government did not support such sanction measures this time either, which would have caused damage to Hungary and the Hungarian people

- he emphasized, then added:

We negotiated hard and achieved that the oil price cap does not apply to pipeline crude oil transport (this is how we buy crude oil, which is essential for our energy security), and in the event of an emergency, it also does not apply to sea transport that replaces it.

We managed to exempt nuclear energy from the sanctions, so these sanctions do not apply to the construction of the new Paks nuclear power plant either. Just as not a single institution that is important for nuclear research and development cooperation was included in the sanctions list

the minister wrote.

Péter Szijjártó emphasized that the sanctions measures security Hungarian energy supply and causing harm to the Hungarian people have thus been repeatedly prevented. We will stand up for Hungarian national interests in the same way in the future, the foreign minister declared.


In our opening picture, Péter Szijjártó Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Image source: MTI/ Tibor Rosta