According to the French author of the book Viktor Orbán plays for victory, the Hungarian Prime Minister has a European dimension, which makes him a significant player on a continental scale. French historian and political scientist Thibaud Gibelin says: Viktor Orbán offers a realistic approach that benefits not only Hungary, but also Europe, reads the Index.

French historian and political scientist Thibaud Gibelin, who lives in Hungary as a guest lecturer at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), talks about the book Viktor Orbán plays for victory.

Today, Viktor Orbán's Hungary represents the desire for nations to be their own masters, writes Thibaud Gibelin.

What makes the book published by MCC Press interesting is how the author evaluates and presents to French readers the politics of Viktor Orbán, his illiberalism, the scope and influence of Hungary and Hungarian politics from a foreign perspective. The book was first published in France in 2020, and now, two years later, it has also arrived in Hungarian bookstores.

In his ten chapters, Gibelin describes in detail the Hungarian government's conflicts regarding migration, sovereignty and the rule of law. It is also clear that he shares the position of Viktor Orbán and his government on these topics. The author believes that we are living the opening of a new era: in the increasingly tangled international context, the internal re-tuning of the relationship between Europe and its nations is becoming increasingly urgent.

According to the French historian and political scientist, the summary of Viktor Orbán's efforts is that the consistent protection of European nations against things foreign to them leads to the protection of European sovereignty.

The author of the book was interviewed by Tamás Nótin, which can be read on the Index .

Featured image: Tamás Kaszás / Index