He evaluated the results of the combined municipal elections at the weekend on Monday afternoon at the headquarters of the Association in Bratislava.

As Krisztián Forró , the president of the Association, explained: "the Association brought an unexpected result, we achieved a much better result compared to the forecasts, so thanks to the voters." He added that the number of representatives who obtained mandates in the county municipalities increased. Instead of the 42 representatives of the just-ending cycle, the Association will have 54 representatives in the county representative bodies in the next period.

Two county presidents were appointed, József Berényi in Nagyszombati county and Tibor Csenger in Nyitrai county. Although they didn't manage to win, they stood tall. Berényi received more than 38,000 votes, Csenger won the trust of more than 35,000 voters on Saturday.

"Our candidates stood their ground, our representative candidates also achieved a good performance in both counties," said Krisztián Forró.

Regarding the mayors, he explained: the Association has 263 mayors across the country. More than 1,700 representatives were introduced to local governments. The president considers that one of the keys to success is that they listened to the problems of the residents. The election result also proves that the Alliance is the party of the regions, he explained.

"A representation of interests has emerged that is unavoidable in the counties in the current situation. We are looking for partners, we are open to that," he said. "We offer stability to the counties, which we expect in vain from the central government," he stated.

József Berényi presented the results of Nagyszombat County. As he said, in addition to the Dunaszerdahely district, they were also successful in the Galánta district. In the cities of the former district, the members of the Association and sympathizers won the mayor's seat. According to Berényi, with the election results, they took a big step towards obtaining parliamentary representation.

Tibor Csenger discussed the numbers of Nyitra County. The Hungarian community in Nyitra County has passed the second most successful election. They won a strong mandate, the number of representatives of the Association in the county board increased from 13 to 18. Seven representatives made it in Komárom, three in the Párkán district, three in Vágselly and five in the Léva district. The Association can occupy 59 mayoral seats within the county , and their number increases significantly in the Léva district. The county deputy called the recapture of Ipolyság of historical importance. The Léva district has strengthened and is on a positive path - underlined Csenger.

Attila Agócs summarized the results of Besztercebánya County. The Association Ondrej Lunter as the county president candidate. The number of county representatives has increased, instead of the previous six, the Association will now have nine representatives in the county assembly. Fülek and Tornalja were retained, and the current mayor of Losonc was supported in a coalition. The Association will have mayors in a total of 78 settlements in the county.

Csaba Furik spoke on behalf of Kassa County. In the county, the Association Rastislav Trnka , the current ispan. The cooperation will continue, and hopefully it will be fruitful, he believes. The number of county representatives was increased, the number of mandates increased from nine to twelve. In terms of local governments, Királyhelmec was retained by the Association. The number of mayors and representatives was increased in the county. We were able to strengthen our position - underlined Furik.

Finally, Gyula Bárdos reported on Bratislava County. As he said: Tünde Neszméri joined the Bratislava county government.

Source and title image: Felvidék.ma/Oriskó Norbert )