Everyone loses with the war, even those who imagine themselves to be victorious or indifferently want to stay out of it, according to Pope Francis, whose appeal for peace, which he wrote as a foreword to the book dedicated to the war in Ukraine, was published by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera on Monday.

How many more tragedies do we have to face before all those involved in wars understand that "this road leads only to death, even if it deceives some into thinking they are victorious?" - asks the Pope.

"Let it be clear: we all lose with war. Even those who did not take part in it and looked at this horror with cowardly indifference without doing anything for peace. It is the duty of all of us, in whatever role, to be people of peace. No one is an exception.

No one has the authority to look away.” Pope Francis wrote.

In his writing, Pope Francis emphasized the need for non-stop prayer for the sake of peace in Ukraine: we must not get tired, we must not get used to this or any other war. We must not allow our hearts and minds to become insensitive to the terrible horrors against God and man, writes the head of the church.

We should not take this piecemeal Third World War for granted, which has dramatically turned into a total Third World War before our eyes. Let's pray for peace! Let's work for peace!"

- said Pope Francis, and at the same time XII. He recalled Pius' words before the outbreak of World War II that nothing is lost in peace, but everything can be lost in war.

Children in the war/Source/Kárpátaljalap.net

Children in the war/Source/Kárpátaljalap.net

Pope Francis believed that from the moment the war in Ukraine broke out, he raised questions: finally emerging from the period full of difficulties and tragedies of the pandemic, "why did the horror of this senseless and god-blasphemous war come? Can we call it a legitimate war with certainty? Can we talk about a holy war with certainty?" – the head of the Catholic Church lists his questions.

Pope Francis notes: the horrors of war insult God's holy name, even more so when they misuse God's name to justify destruction and massacre.

"The cries of children, women and men wounded in the war rise up to the Father as a heartbreaking prayer." - thought the head of the church.

Source: 888.hu

Featured image: Vatican News