The propaganda with which the global liberal elite tries to discredit the sovereign countries, including our country, reaches the international dollar media to a significant extent through the Soros NGOs. The deeply politicized "rights protection" organizations also have the people at the biggest international newspapers through whom they can place their various manipulated materials. Their methods include extorting media workers, and in addition to paying specific sums of money, they also typically influence journalists with hotel or dinner invitations, Origo wrote.

The non-governmental organizations that call themselves defenders of rights try to protect and popularize democratic values ​​according to their own creed, but in fact the NGOs maintain these formations as political weapons. Among their tools is the extortion of various media workers, among other things, the various NGOs buy the journalists with paid trips, good hotels and restaurant lunches in order to present the various countries in the international media according to their narrative. The former head of several Soros organizations spoke about this earlier.

In an audio recording obtained by Magyar Nemzet, Andrej Nosko, the former director of György Soros's Open Society Foundations (OSF), reported, among other things, that he had paid journalists on several occasions for the aforementioned purpose. As he said, even as head of OSF, he hired a journalist to promote the publication of their polling institute. He added that since it is a delicate matter to pay the journalist a fee, they would rather "only" cover the costs. Thus, when he hired a media worker for a whole month, he spent a total of almost ten thousand euros for the journalist's accommodation, meals, travel, and the amount billed as interpretation.

Nosko's report also shows that they have well-established people for such tasks. For example, Andrew Connelly, who previously attacked countries that oppose immigration, including our country, in connection with the migration crisis. The former director also touched on how materials that do not fit into international newspapers dealing with daily politics such as Politico or the Financial Times can be utilized. He believed that these stories could be published in magazines such as New Europe, Visegrád Insight or even National Geographic. He called it of utmost importance that the given story captures the attention of the newspapers, and therefore, according to him, it is even possible to create news value.

The entire Origo article can be read here.

Image: Cover of the Soros book