Pope Francis also received the President of the Republic Katalin Novák and her husband, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén. The Hungarian delegation led by Katalin Novák XVI. Pope Emeritus Benedict arrived at the Vatican for his funeral mass.  

The recently deceased XVI. Before Benedek's Pope Francis received the Hungarian delegation arriving for the funeral mass, including President Katalin Novák Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt The President of the Republic about the funeral mass and XVI. He also commemorated Benedek's last trip in the form of a video on his social media page.

Katalin Novák last met Pope Francis in August, who was impressed by the results of Hungarian family policy based on the President's words.


The Pope received them. So what? What's in it? Is this already art? Flet, for example , II. János Pál received it, that was something. Or Péter Márky-Zay's visit to America. At that time, Viktor Orbán only received by someone Donald Trump , while Márky-Zay was at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So secret that it was never revealed with whom. It was clearly there in the corridor, a photo was taken of it. What is certain: Zoltán Kész . Or he received Kész. How much greater is this than a papal audience!

The only difference is that the Holy Father blesses whoever he welcomes, whereas Márky-Zay is not blessed by almost anyone even at home. Apparently, the blessing didn't help much with Gyurcsány, although after the visit he started to pray regularly. It is also something.

Source: MTI

(Cover image: MTI/Sándor-palota/Vatican Media )