József Bacskai, Consul General of the Consulate General of Hungary in Ungvár, Lívia Balogh, President of the Hungarian Cultural Association of Transcarpathia in Ungvár, Sándor Spenik, President of the Hungarian National Council of Ukraine, László Zubánics, President of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Ukraine, József Rezes, Executive Director of the Subcarpathian Border Local Government Association its director, Judit Kulin, the president of the KMKSZ Ungvár City Basic Organization and representatives of other organizations paid their respects today.

"Unfortunately, today, as it has been for two years - quietly. At the same time, we remembered the freedom struggle that gave birth to the identity and national self-awareness of the Hungarian nation. After a period, after the reform era, where the peoples of Europe were looking for their place and their identity. We Hungarians have known for 175 years how much freedom means .”

And we value not only our own freedom and independence, but the independence of other nations as well. We have lived in this spirit here in Subcarpathia for many, many decades, since this small land is a meeting place for nations, where we learned to appreciate each other's culture, each other's language, and each other's faith. Today, in the hope that the future will be as peaceful and tolerant towards us and the peoples living here, we wish the Hungarians of the world a peaceful national holiday," said the commemorators.

Civilians Info: I look at the picture of the silent main drivers and my heart sinks. This small land is the meeting place of nations, they write. They celebrate in silence, hoping for peace. The small land sends a message of peace to the Hungarians of the world. In silence, when the revolution was so loud and stirring, in silence, when so many Hungarians gave their lives in the freedom struggle - Hungarian hussars for the freedom, independence and development of the nation. Those whose ancestors, under the leadership of a Polish general József Bem, liberated this land against the Russian and Austrian powers, proclaiming peace between the nationalities even when they cruelly treated the people of the defeated villages and towns.  

The great-grandfathers gave their blood for the freedom of the nation and although they could not overcome the impossible, they preserved the knowledge of the unity of the nation. In accordance with the royal order, they also undertook the guardianship of foreigners. And they undertake it even today, since so many refugees arrive from the front line, who must be received and cared for with a Christian heart.

And now they stand there, taking their sons to fight for a country where they can't even speak Hungarian, where they tear down their symbols and restrict their movement. There is a war, be patriotic.  

They don't protest, they know which country they are sons of. And the Ukrainian wreath is also among ours. People live together, remember together, only the powers that be separate them.

They communicate quietly! Much louder than a shout!  

Source: karpatalja.ma

Source: karpatalja.ma

Source and images: Kárpátalja.ma