Diana Sosoacă was included in the Mirotvorec database, which deals with the investigation of crimes against national security and acts against the security of Ukrainians.

Diana Sosoacă wants Romania to get back the territories that belonged to it between the two world wars, including a part of the southern territories of Ukraine, and the member of the Romanian Senate has submitted a bill to this end, Index reports, referring to TASZSZ .

Referring to the source of stirileprotv.ro, he writes that the process would only be possible with Romania's declaration of war. In response, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs initiated the introduction of sanctions against a "person who poses a threat to national security," which Sosoacă considers a death threat.

According to him, this step of Ukraine only confirms the correctness of

that the territories it wants to annex must belong to Romania in the future.

The Romanian senator was also included in the Mirotvorec database , the Ukrainian nationalist website was created in 2014. The site presented itself as a non-governmental organization that investigates crimes against national security and acts against the security of Ukrainians.

In 2021, the European Parliament called on Ukraine to ban the site.

Featured image: digi24.ro/George Călin