Young people who have children during their university studies can especially count on family subsidies, the Secretary of State responsible for families of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation announced on his Facebook page on Friday.

Ágnes Hornung wrote: graduate gyed, personal income tax exemption for young people under 25 or mothers under 30, discount for first married couples, maternity allowance, family tax discount are available for those who start a family during their years in higher education, and also a significant discount they can receive from the student loan, or even be forgiven.

The graduate allowance is paid from the child's birth to the age of 2, and its amount increases every year with the increase of the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage: in 2023, it will be HUF 162,400 for a bachelor's degree, and HUF 207,480 for a master's degree. It is important to know that the sja discount for young people under the age of 25 and for mothers under the age of 30 can be claimed from the graduate gyed, so young people can receive benefits in a higher net amount. And if the recipients of the graduate gyed have another child during the payment of the benefit or within a year after its termination, they may also become entitled to the benefit after the younger child, explained the state secretary.

Ágnes Hornung also reminded that

women under the age of 30 will be forgiven the entire amount of their outstanding student loan debt after their first child as of January 1, if they have a child during their higher education or within two years of graduating.

And those women with student or training loans who later have a child can request a suspension of their student loan repayment upon the birth or adoption of their first child, half of the outstanding debt will be forgiven for the second child, while in the case of the arrival of the third child, they will be exempted from paying the entire remaining loan - drew the attention of the state secretary.

Ágnes Hornung also mentioned that young people who take up work under the age of 25 are exempted from paying social security up to the amount of the average salary, and from January 1, women who have children under the age of 30 do not have to pay personal income tax until they turn 30.

When young people get married, they can take advantage of the tax discount for first-time spouses, as well as the possibility of a babysitting allowance, which will increase from HUF 10 million to HUF 11 million next year.

- added the state secretary.

Finally, Ágnes Hornung also wrote about the fact that the state deposits start-of-life support for the child in a start-of-life deposit account, and even family members and acquaintances can transfer money to the Baby Bond, thus helping the child's future start of life after the age of 18. The Baby Bond has a special interest rate: as of February 1, the annual interest has now risen to 17.5 percent.


Photo: Pixabay