Another Bolshevik spark popped out of Comrade Jámbor's head, and accordingly he failed to tell the truth again.

There are many parties on the opposition side whose name is their doom. This is also the case with Dialogue, which always only engages in dialogue with their superiors. I would like to believe that with the people as well, but the party's popularity measurements show that this has not yet happened. If András Jámbor speaks at any time, it turns out that not only his dialogues, but also his plain speeches are wrong.

It has now been revealed that he baselessly misled public opinion by saying that Fidesz attacked the Szikra camp.

It does not correspond to reality, what the Szikra Movement, marked by the name of the representative of the dialogue parliamentarian András Jámbor, who is also involved in Antifa and pedophile cases, stated about why they cannot hold their summer camp planned for Bodaj. The far-left organization, which has also been associated with violent acts, claimed that "Fidesz attacked the Szikra camp" and that "the authorities attacked the camp".

The village camp is not managed by the municipality, but by a private owner, so it has nothing to do with who camps there. Therefore, the claims that the municipality prevented anything are not true

Lóránt Wurczinger, Fidesz mayor of Bodajk, told Magyar Nemzet. His words were also confirmed by the head of the camp, Markó B. Zalán, who said in a statement sent to the newspaper:

The Bodajki Village Camp is a private enterprise that is completely independent from the Bodajki municipality, as well as from local, regional and national political organizations and politicians. That is why, in addition to the fact that we strictly comply with all legal requirements regarding the organization of the camps, we do not owe any accounting to the above decision-makers and actors in relation to whom we camp and what programs we provide, because we only have to account to our own clientele, our regular campers. , especially with regard to maintaining the camp's independence and good reputation.

Regarding the operation and programs of the camp, no instructions or requests were received either from the mayor of Bodajki, Mr. Wurczinger, or from the representative of the district, neither now nor at any other time. The claim that any political pressure was applied in the case is false.

Markó B. Zalán emphasized:

Those who camp with us, however, expect us to avoid political activity and the promotion of related events in relation to the Bodajki Village Camp, and to take care to preserve the good reputation of our camp.

The main profile of the camp is children's and youth camping, and we also provide a venue for the programs of religious denominations, groups of friends, and civic initiatives. Holding events and gatherings of a political and ideological nature is contrary to the ethos of the camp. Unfortunately, the Bodajki Falutábor spread on the internet and social media as Szikra Camp, creating the false impression that the camp is politically engaged and that we support political activities, and because of this we were unable to sign a contract with the Szikra Movement.

Compared to the fact that the government is supposedly oppressing them, the Szikra Movement has already announced that the camp will be held at a new location, in the Danube Bend, at the original time and program.

However, according to their claim, the change of venue will increase their costs by more than four million forints, which is why, in accordance with left-wing customs, they have started collecting donations - in addition to paying the registration fee required for participation. All of this is interesting if only because, despite the legal obligation, the Szikra Movement has not yet published its accounts for the year 2022.

Featured image: Attila Trenka / Mandiner