"HE! my heart feels where I'm going

Both home land and Hungarian borders;

And as far as the eye can see,

This is both my people and my nation"

/János Erdélyi/

On July 19, 2023, the enthusiastic team of CÖF Klub Miskolc set off again for Transylvania.

Katalin Ferenczyné Lendeczky writes in her informative letter to our portal, the purpose of their trip was to bring faith to our compatriots trapped in the detached part of the country, to feel the sense of belonging that we are one nation, to nurture existing relationships, to spend a few days with them, with those who - as she put it - they show us an example of sticking to our homeland and our mother tongue. the purpose of the travelers was to listen to the speech of Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, in Tusványos.

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"This time we traveled in the direction of Segesvár. On the way, we remembered our great poet, Sándor Petőfi, who was born 200 years ago. Our old hosts were waiting for us in Lázárfalva and new ones in Csíkkozmás. On July 20, we visited Nyergestető and laid a wreath on the headstone we had erected. Our trip has been expanded with a new program. It filled us with pride that the CÖF Club Miskolc also presented itself in Tusványos. Norbert Heizler, the national coordinator of the CÖF, presented the aspirations and results of the CÖF, and then our president, Dr. Attila Lengyel, presented our activities, civil relations, and footprints in the territory of the thousand-year-old Hungary with a very nice picture compilation. And Dániel Vitéz Tóth narrated the creation of Tusványos from the beginning, of which he was also a part and shaper. He was complemented by the president of the Székelyföld Hungarian Journalists' Association, Zoltán Bedő. Dear Imre Krizbai ny. a reformed pastor talked about the development of friendship with us"  

Katalin Ferenczyné Lendeczky writes in the letter. and about the Prime Minister's speech, he says: "Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave a presentation on world politics and geopolitics that was forward-looking for several years and decades. It is always an uplifting feeling to listen to him among people who think the same way about the nation and the world as we do".

As the author writes, they visited their Székely friends in Uzonkafürdő, then they were in Csíki Sörüzem in Csíkszentsimon, and then in Borszék. Wreaths and ribbons were laid at the Tatardomb and Nagyenyed World War memorials, and the grave of Áron Tamási was also visited in Farkaslaka. They enjoyed Kőköz, Székelykö, and the Aranyos valley. They also admired the church in Gyergyóditro and the episcopal palace in Nagyvárad.

tusványos cöf club miskolc

Photo: Civilek.info

Together with Julianna Asztalos, they made their trip more memorable with poems and stories.

"We always say goodbye," wrote Sándor Reményik. We also waved goodbye to Transylvania, to Parcium"

In Katalin Ferenczyné Lendeczky's letter, she finally thanked their two leaders, Attila and Dani, who made the program possible and organized.

Cover image: CÖF Club Miskolc