"Now or never," writes Petri Sarvamaa, a member of the Finnish European Parliament of the People's Party, in his post, according to the in Magyar Nemzet . The European Parliament's rule of law negotiator has started collecting signatures, if successful, Orbán may be deprived of his right to vote in the European Council.

The purpose of the petition - which can be signed by the representatives until Friday before being presented to the President of the European Parliament - is to call on the European Commission or the European Council to

initiate the next phase of the Article 7 procedure, which could ultimately lead to the suspension of Hungary's right to vote.

The representative called his initiative a decisive moment, because according to him, the only way to make the EU work is to take away the voting rights of Viktor Orbán (i.e. Hungary in the Council).

At the same time, the European Parliament's self-initiated petitions signed by representatives do not have direct legislative binding force for other EU institutions - so they do not have a direct say in the procedure according to article seven, which takes place under the auspices of the intergovernmental body.

The message is ambiguous. On the one hand, we see the continuous intensification of the campaign for the upcoming elections. Brussels may also need this because a

according to recently published analyses, support for right-wing and center-right European party families, such as the EPP or the IDR, will increase, while the left-liberals and the Greens will decline.

Together with the European Parliament, Hungary would play a central role in the formation of the new committee, which falls on the autumn period.

The other aspect of the petition is that the anti-Hungarian EU forces hold a show of force in connection with the rumor that has overwhelmed the media recently that the Hungarian prime minister may become the president of the council. Brussels shows us that it has quite a few tricks up its sleeve for attacking Hungary.

Cover image: EP Press