Sovereignty. This is the key word, this is also the defining question of the national consultation. Can we preserve our independence, or would it be better if we dared to be small and submit to the liberal-Bolshevik majority of the Union? Former Minister of Justice Judit Varga, the future head of the Fidesz EP list, expressed her opinion not only about this, but also about the chances of the upcoming EU elections.

– Everything is variable, everything is malleable, so is the definition of the essence of sovereignty. It is not an easy thing, since the legal traditions of 27 member states have to be combined, and if we were to be very strict, we would not be able to communicate with each other. There is a huge difference between the legal traditions of the Anglo-Saxon legal system, or indeed the legal traditions of the continental and Central and Eastern Europe, and these should somehow be adjusted to each other, and this is where the disputes come from. Unfortunately, the trend is that preferences, tastes, and traditions are being replaced by the political majority, which also includes the question of right or wrong.

They think that if they like migration or like war then it becomes a value and that should be the general position. That is, they start to reinterpret concepts. The concept of sovereignty as well.

"I think I'm European because I'm Hungarian." It's different because it's European because it's Dutch, German, Belgian, and so on. The other way around, it doesn't work.

There are nations and nations have sovereignty and independence, our national sovereignty extends to where the other nation's sovereignty begins. We must apply this principle based on mutual respect, this is what European sovereignty should mean. But that's not what it means today.

Europe, the Union, today is characterized by the fact that it tries to cloak its failed political steps with ideology. Progressive liberals, who are the majority today, are beginning to forget reality due to suicidal ideological overheat. Decisions are not made based on reality, therefore the decisions are bad. That is why Europe is starting to fall behind, it is ceasing to function as a factor, this role is being taken over by others. The upcoming vote should change this.

"I'm more of a practical person than a theory person." Now we are facing a big election campaign and I have a big problem.

When I go abroad, well-meaning Europeans shake my hand in the corridor, behind the scenes, and ask us to save Europe, because they only trust us.

They don't want migration, they don't want gender madness, they don't want an empire. Yes, but they cannot vote for Fidesz in their own country.

– How are we going to convert this growing will of the people, which everyone can feel, into political mandates in the European Parliament? This is a practical challenge for me, I think about how we are going to overcome this every day. Because the European People's Party is a big fraud. They call themselves conservative, but that's not true.

We watch them because they cheat. We can hear and read how Manfred Weber speaks differently as the election approaches, what kind of things does the CDU say about migration? Such sentences are said that even Viktor Orbán could say them.

They know what people want to hear to reassure themselves that they will vote for them. Will the People's Party have a good result and then what will it do with this mandate? It will go into a liberal coalition and it will remain the same as it was before. Of course, there are also hopeful changes, just think of the Dutch elections. Perhaps even in their own hypocritical world, they cannot avoid this for long, they will not be able to deceive the will of the Dutch voters for long. If it is possible to get certain parties out from behind the cordon, which blocks the will of many voters and the possibility of political cooperation in other countries as well, if the power of the conservative side increases sufficiently, it may help us to reach the EU elections, and certain politicians with good feelings are not blocked. from being able to really kick the ball. In the meantime, we have to be very careful, because the People's Party cheats, advertises what the people want to hear, then forms a grand coalition with the socialists and the liberals, and nothing will change. Only a landslide conservative victory can change the situation, which is not impossible, but doubtful. That is why I am sometimes pessimistic and sometimes optimistic.

Judit Varga's thoughts were quoted from the panel discussion at the EuCET conference.
