Both Bálint Somkuti and György Nógrádi agree that Putin did not organize the assassination against his own people that claimed 143 victims.

According to Somkuti, the way it was committed and the weapons used may indicate that this was not a professional terrorist organization, but some kind of home-based, or even self-radicalizing, group. The fact that in the attack, for example, the Saiga TR3 semi-automatic weapon - which is practically the civilian version of the Kalashnikov; manufactured by the Kalashnikov concern, by the way - and the fact that 5.45 and 7.62 caliber weapons were used indicates that this may have been the action of some smaller terrorist organization. In spite of the fact that the perpetrators showed surprising professionalism, for example in their movement, in several cases they also missed victims from close range. So we see a very strange method of perpetration. Isn't it, Islamist perpetrators usually shout Allah Akbar during the attack. There is no information about this here at the moment. There are indeed contradictions in the news anyway, so you can't really know anything for sure for now.

I believe that just as the Russian leadership cannot be guessed behind the death of Prigozhin, since the story is not very logically deducible, in this case too there is little chance that the Russian leadership would have done this, since there are countless other ways and means would have been able to produce the effects caused by the terrorist attack. By the way, a common mistake in analyzes is that because something follows one after the other in time, we also assume a logical connection between the events.

Dmitry Medvedev stated that if it was the Ukrainians, there would be very serious consequences. Nothing can be unequivocally ruled out or denied. Obviously, Ukraine and their Russian volunteers quickly distanced themselves from the terrorist attack. But if it turns out that Ukraine has something to do with it, or if the Russian government propaganda - because really, we shouldn't throw this possibility away - decides and successfully smears it on the Ukrainians, in that case there could be very serious consequences. Because the state cannot directly finance terrorist organizations.

In this case, Western support for the Ukrainian freedom struggle will drop to a fraction, and may even cease.

It is no coincidence that the British secret service recently called on Ukraine not to stop funding the Russian volunteer, or let's say, separatist forces. And there is another interesting question here, how did the United States have information that this type of attack was going to happen? It's true, they said two weeks three weeks ago, so this action was delayed by a week, but it still happened...

According to György Nógrádi, the Russians will exact revenge

The current events mean that a part of the Islamic State has taken action against Russia. There are several reasons for this. One is the former Soviet and then Russian policy in Afghanistan, the other is the current Russian policy in Syria, where they regularly shoot at the positions of the Islamic State, and many countries feel that Muslims living in Russia are second-class citizens, György Nógrádi stated.

According to the expert, it is interesting that the attackers were able to escape, 11 people have already been arrested, which shows a lot of things. - Obviously, the world's propaganda will understand why they fled to Ukraine, why they fled to the front, where it is almost impossible to break through, but it seems that the Russians will deal with these people.

It is interesting that if these people were really prepared warriors, why did they choose an escape direction where they had no chance.

He recalled that twenty years ago, in 2004, there was a major assassination attempt in Beszlán. The Russians dealt with the terrorists there as well and did not allow them to escape or for any negotiations to take place.

In connection with the fact that the Ukrainian declarations also state that Russian President Vladimir Putin deliberately orchestrated the attack, the expert explained:

Zelensky gives an interview a day. These interviews are now absolutely counterproductive. He is simply begging, asking for more and more money and weapons, but what is interesting to me is that the Ukrainian top leadership has lost its reality a little. Now about this, he said that it was an assassination attempt by Russia. This obviously infuriates Moscow. If he had said it before the election, it would have made sense, but after the election, what he is saying is just stupid.

Putin did not need to strengthen his own power with an assassination, he has full power. You can't get more power than that. Obviously, whatever happens in Russia, the Ukrainians condemn it.

Today's Ukrainian propaganda is extremely short-term.

The world clearly sided with Moscow in this assassination. Starting from the United States, the leaders of Western Europe, who refused to congratulate Putin on his election, all expressed their condolences and cooperation

said the expert.

György Nógrádi also touched on the fact that the Russians are shaping the war in an extremely interesting way. A significant part of the soldiers are brought from the peripheral areas, the big Russian cities barely feel the war. - A Russian leader recently said that Kiev will run out of bread sooner than Moscow will run out of caviar. This is a huge truth of this war. In practice, it has become clear that the Ukrainian goal of achieving a military victory is utopia. There needs to be some kind of agreement here. The question of whether an agreement is possible until November, the American presidential election, or after the election, if Trump wins, will be a new situation, the expert declared.

Magyar Hírlap/Hungarian Nation

Featured image: MTI/AP/RIA Novostyi/Ramil Sitdikov