The Russian head of state considers the Chinese peace plan acceptable.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview on Wednesday that he supports China's plan to resolve the crisis in Ukraine peacefully, saying that Beijing fully understands what is behind the crisis.

Speaking to a Chinese news agency ahead of his visit to Beijing this week, Vladimir Putin said Russia remains open to dialogue and negotiations to resolve the more than two-year-old armed conflict, Reuters news agency reported.

China's plan and additional principles unveiled by President Xi Jinping last month took into account the factors behind the conflict, Putin said.

We positively assess China's approach to solving the Ukrainian crisis. Beijing really understands its root causes and its global geopolitical meaning, he continued.

More than a year ago, Beijing put forward a 12-point plan that outlined general principles for ending the war, but did not go into specifics.

At the time, the proposal received a cautious reception in both Russia and Ukraine.

In China's settlement plan, the immediate end of the fighting, the start of peace negotiations, and respect for the sovereignty of countries are prominent.

űHowever, it does not speak specifically against the existence of nuclear weapons, but emphasizes that they cannot be used, and - in order to prevent nuclear pollution - specifically states that nuclear power plants and their surroundings must be protected.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin
Source: MTI/EPA/Sputnik/Presidential press service/Pavel Bednyakov