The academy in Piliscsaba has announced its third year, young people between the ages of 21 and 30 are waiting for their applications until April 30. The institution was established three years ago in order to strengthen the commitment to Christian life and patriotism in its students during their training. Kossuth Rádió Good morning, Hungary! the training of the academy was presented in the show.

Christianity, intellectual mission, patriotism, the training of the future generation of intellectuals for the benefit of society and public life at the St. Thomas Aquinas Ecumenical Academy of Public Life takes place along these values.

During the ten-month training, the students acquire the knowledge of the topics during a ten-module course, which is supplemented by eight domestic study trips to the Carpathian Basin. The students mainly visit the annexed areas in order to get to know the cultural and natural values ​​of the different areas, the situation and difficulties of the Hungarians living there. The participants will be able to use the knowledge they have acquired here in their future work in public life.

According to the students participating in the program, the knowledge they learned will strengthen them in continuing their role in public life, and they would later use the acquired knowledge in their own community.

The aim of the academy is to train intellectuals who are Christian and loyal to their country, because they are lacking in various areas of society.

According to Father Zoltán Osztie The first is being in a community, as the students spend the ten months in a dormitory environment. The college is in a beautiful, peaceful, natural environment in Piliscsaba, where students can experience the beauty of community life. It is also important that the training becomes experiential thanks to the study trips. And the third pillar is the training itself, where they want to pass on a kind of working method, exactingness, and attitude to the students.

"In Europe and in the prosperous Western world, there is a kind of decadence that needs to be fought against. (…) Today we are attacked on three points, and these are God, home and family. This triple self-identity consciousness is what has been challenged and is under attack again and again. We need our Christian commitment, our solidarity towards the nation and our family and gender identity. We have to confirm these in ourselves.

We do not fight with hatred, threats, or blatant violence, but with our own tools. And this is our sense of self-identity and our sense of mission" - this is how Zoltán Osztie summarized the goals of the academy in the program.


Front page photo: Zoltán Osztie, parish priest of the main parish church of Budapest-Belváros celebrates mass, with a copy of the Holy Crown in the foreground, at the national ecumenical commemoration held on the occasion of Heroes' Day, National Unity Day and the anniversary of the Trianon Peace Edict on June 4, 2018 (MTI/ Tamás Kovács)