Miklós Szánthó was threatened with physical violence and mutilation because of his support for child protection, but he did not back down and filed a complaint. In a letter received from an "anonymous", presumably recently generated, e-mail address, the director of the Center for Fundamental Rights was threatened with permanent disability, severe health damage and mutilation - the addressee reported this on his Facebook page.

The letter writer, who is presumably hiding behind a pseudonym and fake mailbox, indicates that he intends to commit "the first crime of his life" because, according to him, the "flow of hatred" carried out by the Center in recent weeks cannot go without retribution, they too must experience "the real feeling of otherness". "Miklós Szánthó will receive personalized shame", which, according to the threat, could be "reduced ability to work", "disadvantaged situation" or "change of primary gender".

In connection with the case, we contacted Miklós Szánthó, who said that, in addition to many messages of support and encouragement, they had of course already received tasteless and dirty letters and posts, but to specifically threaten them with a crime, serious bodily harm, "although it is not alien to aggressive left-liberal propaganda, in our case, however, it is unprecedented".

"There have always been socially immature half-wits, but this kind of laundry-smelling threat, especially when we receive it because of our political opinion, goes beyond all limits. The fact that those who act in the name of the protection of otherness and tolerance do not tolerate positions different from theirs, but in this case threaten and harass with specific physical violence, gives the matter a special bouquet.

When asked what the effect of the threatening letter would be, Miklós Szánthó answered: "we will not back down one step, in fact, we will represent even more determinedly what we believe in and we will work even more courageously. With the involvement of an IT and security consultant, we filed a police report, of course, and we trust that they will find the »brave fighter for justice«. Sin must be punished.

Of course, it would be better if the person surrendered voluntarily - because we forgive those who sin against us".

the full article here.