The message of the Pan-European Picnic lies in the compatibility of patriotism and Europeanness - emphasized Lívia Járóka, the Fidesz representative of the European Parliament, in her press release issued on Thursday on the occasion of the event's 32nd anniversary.

"More than 30 years later, the opening of the border in 1989 carries a double message for Europe and all Hungarians. And this double message lies in the unity of the idea of ​​national commitment and Europeanness," emphasized the Fidesz politician.

He pointed out: "today, when European values, national sovereignty, mutual respect and acceptance are under attack, and many people proclaim the incompatibility of these values, the Hungarians have a historical duty to proclaim that the key to Europeanness, the cooperation between East and West, North and South , it lies in the intention of listening and understanding each other.

"The opening of the gates in 1989 resulted in a new chapter in the life of Europe, thanks to which we demolished the walls of a system based on oppression and exclusion for decades. Our present brings new difficulties and challenges. However, we can only implement solutions to these problems if we learn from the experiences of the past. And this experience is rooted in loyalty to our national identity and the historical values ​​of Europeanness. Thus, today is also a celebration of the Europe of sovereign nation-states based on mutual acceptance", emphasized Lívia Járóka.

was a peace demonstration organized on the Hungarian side of the Austrian-Hungarian border in the Sopronpuszta area on August 19, 1989 Ottó Habsburg and Imre Pozsgay On the same day, at the Hungarian-Austrian border crossing near Sopron, the border was opened for a few hours and hundreds of East German refugees crossed into Austria and from there into the Federal Republic of Germany.