Reacting to Demeter Szilárd's telex interview, actress Lilla Sárosdi, the wife of Árpád Schilling, who emigrated to France, published another disturbing video on Tuesday evening.

In her latest video, the artist asks "Szilárd Urbán" for help in deciding whether she should take on a role in a Molière play. "Oh, I know it's the theater. This is a very sensitive point for you", asks Szilárdot Sárosdi, who cannot decide whether Molière is good or not. Molière recently writes about the weak in Le Monde - laments Sárosdi.

After a short period of influence, Sárosdi, who became known for his scandalous stage performances, begins to lament how great it is that Demeter "over there in Hungary" can say so directly what is good and what is bad. The actress also tries to make a joke out of the fact that she can't say "canonize" at first.

The actress thinks it's great that everything has become so simple in Hungarian culture. "Atesz will tell you what theater is, Csaba Kábé will tell you what film is, and then you and yourself are literature, so that's fantastic!" Lilla Sárosdi tries to be ironic. According to the actress, it is also "fantastic" that the long-suppressed "Ányos" was able to publish a volume of short stories. Sárosdi also sharpens up a bit on the lyrics of the Bonanza song "Induljon a banzáj", while feverishly trying to come up with the next spark, which he finds in the image of "Robi Szikornyák"'s musical about St. Elizabeth of Árpád-házi.

Sárosdi then returns to the tried-and-true banter and drinks a sip of red wine - "you don't have any of this yet, but I'll send it" - with which she perfectly portrays the role of the semi-alcoholic prima donna who is dying out.

Returning to the original topic, Sárosdi tries to set a Molière volume on fire, but "it's so shitty that it doesn't even want to catch fire". The actress repeats that she is waiting for Demeter's guidance regarding the French playwright, and adds: "I'll see you at the Christmas book burning."
