He made a video report for promenad24 in Hódmezővásárhely, on the fourth anniversary of Péter Márki-Zay becoming mayor. - can be read on the Mandiner. The local paper inquired about what people think about the Prime Minister candidate, what was Márki-Zay's best and worst measure.

Mixed responses were received, some did not want to comment, some supported him, but most of them had a bad opinion of Márki-Zay. The most interesting scene can be seen at the end of the video, when Márki-Zay's former kindergarten teacher is caught on camera.

"Stupidity covers your brain. He already believes that he is God. He's been in my group since he was three, as dumb as six pairs of police boots. Does this want to be prime minister? He couldn't run the city!" said the old woman indignantly.


Source: Mandarin