T. Leadership of Civil Solidarity!

I apologize for bothering you with my letter. In 2008, I was extremely distraught, as I am a regular reader of Demokrat, I read a very interesting article about how we can get rid of the Gyurcsány era.

The author outlined three variations. One was the unity of civilians, this idea was realized at the time with the demonstration in Bajna. Our family participated in every peace march! I feel that there is a need to defend Hungary again, but it is outrageous that Brussels does not like the election results.

The many good things the government has done should be listed in English, we would sign them online.

The left-liberals preach about democracy, but they want to destroy our country because we don't want to live the way they want.

The problem is complicated by the fact that there are representatives who work against the Hungarian people. The government was elected by two-thirds, the opposition lost, why do they want to change the will of the people. The Rákosi era was a dictatorship, Duke Esterházy did not dare to sleep near the Hungarian border because he was afraid of being kidnapped. They fly daily and talk back and forth in Brussels.

This is called treason. Now is the time for civilians to ask them why they don't behave (cf. opposition ed.) as democrats.

Source: dr. Ágnes Horváth/reader's letter

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