During the night, the police arrested 138 illegal migrants in larger groups in Csongrád-Csanád county, according to the Police.hu portal.

, arrested 138 illegal migrants in 19 cases between 10 p.m. on June 18 and 6 a.m. on June 19, 2022. up in the administrative areas of Szatymaz, Öttömös, Ásotthalom, Mórahalom and Szeged. During their inspection, the members of the groups claimed to be citizens of Tunisia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Morocco and Syria, but they could not credibly prove their identity or the legality of their stay in Hungary. The police acted against the border violators in accordance with the current Hungarian legislation.

Not long after, the uniformed officers found more border violators, and today at 6:35 a.m. they arrested 12 foreigners in the Vaskút area and another 11 at the Kiskunfélegyház railway station. Illegal migrants claiming to be citizens of Syria, Pakistan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia illegally entered the territory of Hungary.

The border violators could not credibly prove their identity or the legality of their stay in Hungary, so the police escort them back to the temporary security border closure in accordance with the current Hungarian legislation.

Source: Police.hu