It seems you can't balance with two tails.
The joker is leaning to the left and is tumbling in the air. In a war situation, it is better to take the word seriously, because of course this is what the many innocent lives lost due to the mistakes of politicians demand. Ferenc Kölcsey said: "The homeland comes first" . In Hungarian: we must protect our young people from drifting into war and our families from the bankruptcy of our economy.

It indicates a mistaken, confused mindset if someone believes that a party should be held on Budapest's bridges and that this can tear the two parts of the city apart. We have said it several times: the capital belongs to the nation, it is its own property and not the scene of rioting by some parties.

Let's ask the question, what are the half-wits sent forward by fallen politicians over the Danube doing? The answer is simple: trouble. They sow the seeds of chaos, thank God, not on fertile ground, but on concrete. It is incomprehensible to them, for example, that helping illegal immigration is suicide and not a solution to demographic problems. The labor shortage can be solved with organized travel and contracts for an indefinite period that can be terminated immediately. Another question is whether there will be a labor shortage at all if the European economic crisis drags on. Now, in any case, the population is saving on electricity and gas, and the goal is not to support illegal aliens.

The European crisis is fueled by the mistakes of the sanctions policy unleashed on us by the institutional system of the European Union. The powerful states of Europe exposed their people to the horrors of the Cold War. To put it precisely: the III. The chance of a world war was hung around the neck of our nations. By establishing a supply line to deliver weapons to the Ukrainians, the war will continue as long as it lasts. In addition to the energy crisis, the food crisis will become stronger and Africa will continue to starve. Inflation is ruining Europe's economy. Peace can no longer be made by the Russians and the Ukrainians, but by the European Union and NATO by reaching an armistice offered to both sides and ensuring the presence of UN troops in Ukraine.

Ban the war between America and Asia from Europe. Europe cannot bow to the will of either side. Europe is an independent continent, you have to choose for yourself. We are interested in peace, peace and peace a third time.

The stupidity of the two-tailed people met with Ferenc Gyurcsány , the coup champion - see the stabbing of Medgyessy in the back and the theft of the living space of the MSZP. Ferkó is preparing again, he believes that his huge ego can put him in the prime minister's seat. He stirs, stirs and dreams. Spanja's partner, Gergely Karácsony, is completely unfit to lead the capital.

We are sending a message that the rural people and the people of Budapest who are disillusioned with Pál Rontó are patient people, but our message is clear: they must leave the political stage in good time.

Author: László Csizmadia is the founding president of CÖF-CÖKA