The innovative and traditional head of state - this is the title of the Nézőpont Institute's analysis published today, which was first published by Magyar Nemzet. In their analysis, they point out that, according to 52 percent of Hungarians, Katalin Novák fulfills the position of head of state rather adequately overall, while the proportion of those who are dissatisfied does not even reach a third.

"Medium familiarity, high level of support" , summed up the social perception of the new president of the republic in its analysis published today by the Nézőpont Institute. In their research, they examined what the president's support was like after his inauguration just one hundred days ago, how his term of office has passed so far, and they also attempted to explain his popularity. According to them, it is an important question what Hungarians think of the president of the republic, so in the opinion poll of the Viewpoint Institute, they were interested in what they think about Katalin Novák's work so far.

Unique features "For the first five percent of the five-year presidential term, the head of state is moderately well-known, 53 percent of Hungarians can name who the Hungarian president is by name. "However, among informed Hungarians, more than every second Hungarian (52 percent) believes that Katalin Novák fulfills the presidency in accordance with expectations overall, and less than every third (30 percent) believes the opposite," they announced the results of their research .

All this means that, on the one hand, the left's campaign against Novák was not successful, and on the other hand, by increasing his popularity, his support may even increase. Its symbolic steps, communication messages, and thematic emphasis rightfully hope for a positive reception by the vast majority of society - summarized the Nézőpont Institute.

According to the research institute's analysis, Katalin Novák took elements from all her predecessors and mixed them with novelty. "For Katalin Novak, she is a young woman and raising children is a daily challenge. All three qualities make him unique among the previous presidents of the Hungarian Republic, in a certain sense they override the clichés against heads of state," they said.

Reminders: It is no coincidence that Katalin Novák's first trip abroad as head of state led to Poland, which has a different view of the neighboring conflict, where she met with Polish President Andrzej Duda and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, and where she condemned Russian aggression in line with the government's pro-peace foreign policy, speaking about the "thousand-year friendship ” and in the name of unity, they jointly called on the European Commission to pay the EU funds. "It can be considered almost an official duty for the head of state to maintain an active relationship with Hungarians across the border, which goes far beyond diplomacy. From this point of view, his meetings with Kelemen Hunor, the president of RMDSZ, were considered a significant event," they added.

It was written about Katalin Novák's five-point presidential program that, like László Sólyom, she intends to represent values ​​beyond politics. "Unsurprisingly, the first element of this is the support of families: so that every desired child can be born and raised safely, since our future lies in children," they wrote.

Source: Mandiner/Hungarian Nation

Photo: Árpád Földházi