Opinion article by economist László Bogár from Magyar Hírlap.

The conflict, which looks like a Russian-Ukrainian war on the surface of the playback technology, is almost half a year old, and not only can no one say when it will end, but "something" is showing itself more and more menacingly, which until now humanity has tended to believe that with the dark era of the Cold War, it left behind this most serious threat, which is nothing but a nuclear war that will destroy all of humanity. an Donald Brennan summed up the essence of the doctrine under the name "mutual assured destruction" (MAD), which then became the main ideology of the entire Cold War era, and also gave long-term legitimacy to nuclear weapons. The name is an acronym on purpose, i.e. an abbreviation that makes sense in itself, in English mad means crazy. "Mad talk, but there's a system in it," as Hamlet says. The essence of this really crazy doctrine is that nuclear weaponry is actually "good", or at least rational, because if the two superpowers each have such an arsenal of nuclear weapons that they can destroy not only each other, but the entire world multiple times over. destroy it, then this will be the main guarantee of eternal world peace after this , because none of them will use nuclear weapons for the first time, because they are aware that this would be tantamount to suicide.

Obviously, both superpowers needed such a reassuring ideology, because let's face it, it is not really a rational strategy on the part of homo sapiens to first build these weapons systems at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, which they know exactly that they will never use. That, after a few centuries of mutual terror, he destroys these quite expensive toys with another horrible expenditure. But MAD explained everything, and homo sapiens could save face in this case too, but Reason and Virtue still rule their actions.

And yet, just for the sake of the exotic, it would be worth pondering that if not only mutual deterrence and terror, but also mutual trust, sympathy, or to use such a hackneyed word with a bit of blushing, love would be the main organizing force of existence, then somewhat "cheaper" as well mankind could solve the issue of peace, but such naive and childish thoughts have "fortunately" gone out of fashion a long time ago.

All of this has now become somewhat relevant again because, although the adult generations living today rule out the possibility of a nuclear war breaking out of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict with superior confidence, this false sense of security can easily become fatal. It is relatively easy to see that the chance of a nuclear war has never been as great as it is today, and that this danger is increasing every day. The basic reason is very clear, war is a game with a negative total, where both sides lose , and therefore the pathological fixation that if I can harm the other person more than he can harm me, then this is a "profit" for me, which is mutual self-destruction. its most secure psychological foundation.

Russia and the American Empire are driving each other into an increasingly dangerous trap. (Ukraine is not even a war "touchpad" worth mentioning in this context, because this war has been between America and Russia from the beginning.) The essence of this trap is that both believe they cannot allow the other side to emerge victorious . , and although none of them dares to admit this, even to themselves, they increasingly see the need to prevent the other side's victory at any cost . And this price may even include nuclear war. From the new and new statements, it is clear that neither side can interpret the compromise anymore, which is precisely why, and this was unprecedented even in the most tense moments of the Cold War, even the most elementary surfaces of diplomatic contact were deliberately and rudely rendered mutually unusable.

Of course, we could consider all this as a ritualistic struggle where both parties know that they will come to an agreement anyway, they are just looking for a better bargaining position, but it seems more and more that this is not the case, and "madness" (MAD) really seems to be taking over the on imperial decision-makers.

The fact that there will be elections in America in November where the stakes are very high for both parties, and both parties are trying to win with the most brutal war propaganda possible, driving each other into this already quite fatal trap in an even more dangerous way, does not help the cause either. Of course, it is also possible that the "non-existent" controlling the world decided to shorten the reduction of the human population to one percent of the current one, and nuclear Armageddon seems to be the most logically suitable for this.

Up until now, we could at least hope that the masters of the world do not want to "dirty" the Earth with a global nuclear war, so they want to achieve a radical "reduction in numbers" over a longer period of time, with much more sophisticated tools and methods, but it is possible that their strategy has now changed. According to the "made" choreography, just as the war was provoked by America from the Russians, it will obviously be the same with the use of nuclear weapons , and all signs point to a rapidly increasing chance of mutual self-destruction. And what is most painful is that the ruling structures of Europe are even enthusiastically assisting this as primitive primitive puppets.

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Author: economist László Bogár

(Credit Image: Getty Images )