This was announced by the Government Information Center (KTK) to MTI on Tuesday. It was written that the migratory pressure perceptible at the Hungarian border has increased in the recent period, and therefore the cabinet is extending the crisis situation caused by mass immigration until March 7, 2023. The government decree to this effect will soon be published in the Magyar Közlöny.

This year, more than 162,000 border violators have already been apprehended at the Hungarian border, compared to around 60,000 in the same period last year. This means that almost 100,000 more migrants tried to enter Hungary illegally in one year, while the number of people smugglers doubled compared to the same period of the previous year.

Migrants stranded on the Balkan route are trying to enter the country more and more violently and regularly attack policemen protecting the border, most recently they threw stones at those building the border fence and attacked them with axes, they wrote. The protection of the southern border section is extremely important to Hungary, which is why it is necessary to set up border hunting units and strengthen the border fence, they added.

They put it like this:

"The Hungarian government continues to pursue an open and clear immigration policy: we maintain the border fence, we ensure border protection, and in the discussions in Brussels we also take the firm position that we refuse the resettlement of migrants, that Europe and Hungary must be protected from mass immigration. The national government will not allow our country to become a country of immigrants. The results of the national consultation, the referendums and the elections confirm that the government shares the same position as the people, and that the Hungarian people expect the government to protect the country's borders," the statement reads.

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Featured image: Origo