János Bogdán Szabolcs was elected as the new bishop of the Királyhágómellék Reformed Church District, his inauguration will take place at the beginning of December. In an interview with Krónika, the new bishop said that he considers saving souls his main task during his six-year mandate. During his service, he feels that it is necessary to go from heart to heart so that even those drifting further away can feel that God loves them and that they are very important for the church and the community as well.

János Bogdán Szabolcs named the saving of souls as his main episcopal objective. "This is the main goal of the church, Jesus Christ entrusted it to us, and it cannot be replaced by anything else," said the new bishop of the Királyhágómellek Reformed Church District. Even though today's people are increasingly moving away from the church, János Bogdán Szabolcs believes:

the world has always had to be brought closer to the word of God, which can be achieved by proclaiming the Lord's love and an authentic Christian life that supports it.

Regarding the question about young people, he said that special attention will be paid to them. - Young people are not only the future of the church, but also the present. If the church does not have a presence, it will not have a future, said the new bishop. In addition to all of this, he emphasized that the Bible is eternal and the message in it does not change with the passage of time, but at the same time this message must be delivered according to the interests of young people.

János Bogdán Szabolcs sees the solution to strengthening communities if people understand that the church community is the place where brothers and sisters can be found.

Unfortunately, since many people have moved away from the church, they do not know the power of the Christian community, so our task is to show God's love again to those who do not know it. - We must perform this service - here I am not only thinking of your pastors, but of all Reformed believers - so that there is personality in it. It is necessary to move from heart to heart so that even those drifting further away can feel: God loves them, and they are very important for the church and the community as well - said János Bogdán Szabolcs.

Before the service related to the new responsibilities, he would like to thoroughly review all areas of the life of the church district, including clarifying everyone's responsibilities for the sake of efficiency. Regarding the emergency intervention, the new bishop stated that since his predecessor, István Csűry, left behind an orderly church district, there is no need for urgent intervention anywhere. The time ahead will show the tasks of the future and the difficulty in it, and it will continue to pay attention to the congregations with more modest financial resources, as well as to one of the focal points of the church district, the service of love.

Source and full article: reformatus.hu

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