I close my eyes and try to fly back in time a good two thousand years. I live in the time of Jesus Christ and based on the Gospels, I try to imagine the people and society of that time.

As I have been adventuring for many minutes, I am beginning to realize that today's period is similar to the past. The lives of today's disciples are no different from those of those days, because even if not as much as back then, those people who really take on their faith are still excluded. It is true that the teachings of Jesus reached all corners of the world, but few people really believed in the true teaching.

How many good things Jesus Christ showed to people - kindness, love, helping each other, respect for others, honesty, gentleness and I could list more - and with his death and resurrection salvation.

Despite this, faith is not fashionable today, or if it is, then we cannot expect much from those who believe in honor, those who join out of necessity. They live their own lives, with their own interests, like the majority in Jesus' time.

How many, how many people there are who call themselves believers, but with their actions they do something completely different than with their words. Nowadays, it is very fashionable for people to say different than what they think, and this is reflected in everything. This is true even among potentates who - because they have to - look at the cross with reverence, it may seem that they long for Jesus, and then they kick the other one. That's how it used to be and that's how it is now.

They may prefer the Hebrew name of Easter, Pesach, which is the holiday of avoidance (hag hapesach), since the Hebrew text expresses the avoidance of the houses of the Israelites with the word Pesach, because their houses were marked with the blood of a lamb, so that death avoided their sons. I can't even imagine how many families' houses were marked with the blood of the Easter lamb for more than 2000 years to avoid the Lord's wrath.

Suddenly I open my eyes and see the "red mark" on my house. Only now it does not mean running away, but standing outside, distancing oneself from the true faith.

It wouldn't be like that if the liberal seculars also understood why Jesus Christ became the lamb of his God.

Image source: Vatican News