One of Spiegel's authors talked about how Orbán "chained" the press, "slanders" homosexuals, and made his friends and family members rich with EU money, the Mandiner pointed out. As you know, this week Viktor Orbán published a full-page ad in the German newspaper Bild, in which he explained his views on the European Union, that is, that he rejects the "European empire", wants to protect the "European people" from migration and epidemics, and does not hold the European Parliament to account.

The author of the article states that apart from harsh criticism, Orbán has not had to deal with any other consequences so far because, in his opinion, he has undermined the rule of law. However, those who violate democracy, the rule of law and the protection of minorities cannot benefit from the benefits of the EU, since the EU is a community of values ​​that operates as a unit based on common beliefs, Ralf Neukirch believes.

After that, the article writes about Hungarian domestic political conditions, since there will be elections in Hungary in 2022, and according to the article, the EU cannot allow "a ruler who undermines the Union" to pay for his campaign with European taxpayers' money.

Ursula von der Leyen has not yet approved the support for Hungary from the reconstruction fund. The country still has to assure the EU that the money will not end up in the pockets of "Orbán's cronies", he says.

Finally, he reminds that Von der Leyen said on Wednesday that he will use the rule of law mechanism against Hungary in the fall.

It is a small problem that Vera Jurova said that in this case, breach of duty proceedings cannot be initiated against Hungary, and the rule of law mechanism would only come into question in the case of irregular spending of EU funds - in other words, it is out of the question.

And the hired clerk named Ralf Neukirch would do better to deal with the death of the German rule of law. Well, no, it's not a salary, but a dismissal. If he lived in this "dictatorship", such a thing would not threaten him.

Source and image: Pestisrácok