On November 3, 2015, the Parliament declared the birthday of the Transylvanian prince Gábor Bethlen (1580–1629) and November 15 as the day of the Hungarian diaspora. This year, on the Sunday before Memorial Day, November 14, a meaningful program organized by the Hungarian House awaits those interested in the National Dance Theater.

The ceremony will be opened by János Árpád Potápi

On Monday, November 15, from 5:30 p.m., those interested can view an exhibition entitled The Treasure of Muravidék - Weekly Embroidery. The exhibition will be opened by Mihály Soós , director of the Institute of Hungarian National Culture in Lendva, and Andrea Fehér . The Magyarkanizsa Tisza Folk Dance Ensemble with the Juhász Orchestra and the Pusztina Tradition Preservation Group will take part. After that, from 7 p.m., the dance production of the Nagyvárad Tancegyüttes entitled "Katonaén" will follow.

Source: House of Magyarság